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About Dr. Jackie Kilraine

"The Brain Hacker"

I suffered in silence just like you... and now (as a result ofĀ the treatments I provide for my clients...)Ā I am DIFFERENT.

Life is trulyĀ DIVINE, and I want that for you too.

Hey there, I'm Dr. Jackie Kilraine!

I gotta tell ya, as a chiropractor forĀ 34 years, IĀ became increasingly disheartened to see thatĀ my patientsĀ weren't experiencing the long-term improvements that I dedicated myself toĀ helping them achieve.

And what's more is I was suffering silently with chronic anxiety and a brain that would never stop thinking!

It affected my sleep, my mood, my confidence (Hello, sweaty-palms, quivering-knees, and tightening-throat anxiety while presenting in front of large audiences of my peers for my chiropractic practice!)

To calm my overactive brain, I tried distracting myself with TV and alcohol, immersing myself in overworking, using prescription medications for depression and anxiety, and bought just about every supplement I came across that promised relief.

All of these ā€œsolutionsā€ were just band-aids that caused other undesirable problems, and didnā€™t actually resolve my issues.

Enter neurofeedback (aka brain training), the game-changer I'd been seeking.

Training my brain has literally stopped my anxiety and fear. I can sleep now, I am calm when speaking in front of audiences, and my brain is blissfully able to just ā€œbeā€ when Iā€™m not in work mode.

So, I traded in my chiropractic cape to become board-certified in neurofeedback, a certified epigenetics coach, and a Human Potential Coach. Since then, my patients/clients are experiencing truly mind-blowing complete and permanent results from their chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and illnesses.

Now itā€™s your turn to watch as your brain becomes balanced and your chronic problems become a thing of the past!

I'm genuinely thrilled to have this opportunity to help you tap into your limitless potential. Together, we'll embark on a transformative journey of rewiring your brain, unleashing your true power, and creating lasting change.

Buckle up, because incredible things are about to happen!

Dr. Jackie Dedicates Her LifeĀ to Education & Discovering Permanent SolutionsĀ For Her Patients/Clients:

As a mother of three boys, animal lover (2 dogs and 3 cats currently), and a multifaceted expert in chiropractic care, neurofeedback, epigenetics, and human potential coaching,Ā Dr. Jackie is dedicated to optimizing your potential, solving complex problems,Ā and guiding you towards a life of limitless possibilities.

Using advanced precision technologies like QEEG guided neurofeedback, Dr. Kilraine employs a holistic approach to enhance brain health and overall well-being.

As CEO of My Divine Life, she empowers women to reclaim joy, passion, and vibrancy.

Her ultimateĀ mission? Make brain health mainstream!


Are you ready to finally heal, get better, have more energy, and release anxiety and depression FOR GOOD?


Letā€™s write a new one.
Schedule Your Free Consultation

What clients have to say...

ā€œOver the past year, you have changed my life and helped me put an end to my fibro pain with neurofeedback and the genetic testing you did for me.ā€

I got the answers just for me and my body that no one has ever been able to give to me until you. Now I am doing yoga, I have more focus and energy at work and I feel like me again.


ā€œI still cry tears of joy from the amazing impact this program has had on my life.ā€

I came to Dr. Kilraine's office because out of all the doctors in the area Dr. Kilraine is the only one I fully trust. Before trying neurofeedback and Dr. Kilraine's program, I was taking several medications for pain and mental illness and combining that with counseling. I had been using this approach for over 15 years with very little progress at all. My results from this program have blown me away. After my second session I started to notice a different. By my 5th session I was able to stop taking all but 2 of my medications.


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